Monday 6 March 2023

Dead or Alive?

I’ve got no idea what type of flowers these are. I don’t think they’re weeds, but they could be. They look like the beginnings of daffodils or hyacinths. They’ve been placed in the sunniest spot in the garden, but it’s not necessarily the wettest. It could be my hop project. For Christmas, I got given some hop seeds in an attractive ceramic container. These needed to be kept warm during the winter months, then were placed outside to grow in the Spring. I might have put them outside too early. What came up was some sort of green thing that slowly began to climb around a garden cane. It was well watered, and eventually something began to grow that resembled a hop bud. It never seemed to grow any taller, and after taking online advice, I decided to leave it out over winter to see if anything came of it the following year. When Spring came round again, there still wasn’t any evidence of anything useful germinating, so I ended up, perhaps too impatiently, binning the whole thing.


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