Wednesday 1 March 2023


It’s mostly about physical contact. You don’t tend to see much of it nowadays, and half of it is fake as it’s for the benefit of a camera. You’re more likely to witness this in a verbal form, especially when you can borrow phrases from the media, especially when someone ranks their opinion above your own. Ignorance is often the easiest way to see it come to a conclusion, but it’s not a method that will resolve the situation to the satisfaction of both parties. It’s often the only way to end a disagreement in the playground and beyond when the words have failed. Usually, the intent is to send the offending person away from yourself, but the offender always has the option to stand up and fight back, especially once it’s established that physical contact can be used. This is where things start to get interesting. They might be caught off-guard. Sometimes it draws a crowd, but some people will flee since they don’t want to run the risk of getting involved and coming into harm themselves. Once it’s started, it can be hard to stop until someone submits.

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