Friday 24 March 2023

Sad Goodbyes

It's distressing when you have to say goodbye to a loved one, especially when you the last time you saw them you were out having afternoon tea. The only glimpse you caught of them after was through a screen where they were bounded in a chair and distanced themselves  so that their appearance wouldn't rattle you, though the thought is kept in the background. They can't participate even though they'd like to, but they enjoy hearing tales of your adventures as it’s a welcome distraction from their lives. Suddenly you're told that they're not there anymore. You're going to join their final trip from their home to the crematorium. Because COVID restrictions are in place, attendance is limited so all the neighbours come out their homes to bid the hearse farewell. We're one of the lucky ones who are able to follow the convoy. There's a nice octagonal garden with a reflection pool, but we can't hang for long and we've got nowhere to go for a wake either.

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