Wednesday 15 March 2023

Babysitter hears noise upstairs so Dad checks hidden camera and captures a nightmare in his kitchen

Something isn’t quite clear here. Are the babysitter and the father in the same room? If so, what’s the need for the babysitter in the first place? I suppose with today’s modern technology, the babysitter could have called the father who had remote access to the camera. Is the nightmare therefore what’s happening with the kid and the babysitter, or do they have an upstairs kitchen? Maybe they’re hiding in the basement. To get the answer, you have to visit a third party website and cycle through a load of ads. There’s loads of spelling mistakes and I’m already wondering if it’s just a load of clickbait. The result is a simple tale of burglary and heroism on the babysitter’s decision to evacuate the premises, although if it was just a burglary the offender would probably just flee on sight of another person present inside what was assumed to be an unoccupied premises.

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