Saturday, 30 April 2022
Scottish Standoff
Friday, 29 April 2022
Flippin' David
I was very proud of my pancakes this year. After doing a few test batches, I finally got the formula right. It’s best if you let it set in the fridge overnight. Add some oil so that they don’t stick and don’t start cooking them until you’re sure that the pan’s hot. That way, they don’t take long to get solid so you can be confident of a good flip. And don’t be afraid to leave them in there. I’ve produced some brilliant pancakes with leopard patterns owing to letting them turn golden brown. Then come the toppings. You can get creative and artistic or you can go with flavour. This year, I simply went for Nutella with a bit of Jiff lemon, which has the most annoying of caps to open. I eventually got it off permanently. I later found out that strawberries would have been a good call too.
Thursday, 28 April 2022
Green Day
We’d just popped back to the cottage for lunch. We’d plans
for an afternoon excursion and was just about to depart when we looked up at
the bridge to see a gathering of people. This must be Green Day. We hadn’t been
totally detached from world events and we’d read on the news that various
environmental marches were taking place today, but we didn’t realise that there’d
be one in our area. They’d made a banner and we wondered if they’d be stopping
traffic or walking alongside it. Either way, we decided to set off before they
obstructed us. Fortunately, we weren’t planning to cross the bridge, we’d just
need to drive up the hill towards it. People were still heading over, and one
man was attempting to drive a huge banner on a mobility scooter. As he approached
the roundabout, it toppled over. We started to help him, but his entourage was
already there to assist and we gave him plenty of time to complete his
crossing. It was a good job that we’d made plans otherwise we might have joined
them, which would have been interesting and we’d quite possibly start an
England versus Scotland riot.
Wednesday, 27 April 2022
This was an interesting drama with lots of promise, though the plotline did lack in places. There’s a good sense of dark humour and some of the murders are very novel, but it also exposes some very dark holes in the police force. And would you really trust the same people to manage a serial killer once they’ve failed three times already? Even the tactics that they take towards the end of the series focus on gung-ho tactics to protect themselves rather than the public. It’s a shame that we didn’t see any background to the characters that were targeted apart from the episode that they appeared in. The protagonist had quite a strong backstory to dip into but I get a sense that the conclusion did not justify his irrational actions. It must have been clear early on that the producers got bored early and turned it into a chase rather than a whodunnit, but it’s still entertaining.
Tuesday, 26 April 2022
Beauty and the Bridge
Monday, 25 April 2022
Lost Underground #dreamdiary 130
We’ve gone for a walk around our old college grounds. We’re in a concrete tunnel that’s on the map as a public footpath. Even though it’s in a student town, it’s completely bare. There’s no rubbish or graffiti. I’m struggling to work out how it’s lit. We climb a hill, and at the mouth of the tunnel we walk into a beautiful summer’s day with blue sky. We’re also standing on someone’s lawn. To the left of us there’s a family having a picnic, and on the right there’s a large group of people having a barbecue. No-one’s the last bit bothered by our appearance. We reach the houses and there’s a gap between the two of them. There’s not even a fence separating the path from the fence. I call up the GPS map on my phone and sure enough we’re standing on the pink dotted line indicating a footpath. I wonder how often it’s used.
Sunday, 24 April 2022
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

My rating: 1 of 5 stars
View all my reviews
Saturday, 23 April 2022
The Expedition #vampress 2
Trade in the village was suffering. There was little left to hunt in the wilderness, and since it was far from other villages, the residents were forced to cook what they could find. At one point they organised an expedition to gather food from further afield, but the hunting party never turned and a second party was sent out to locate the first one. In the meantime, folks looked to the wolves that gathered around the castle at night. Was someone feeding them there? From a distance they looked quite tame, but everyone was too tired to watch them all night and see them re-emerge. One day, they decided to appoint an expedition to approach the castle for a closer look. The party would consist of the fastest men of the village backed by the most dexterous, who could close a path of retreat should the wolves decide to give chase.
Friday, 22 April 2022
Otter Spotting
The first sailing for the excursion wasn’t until 11. We
weren’t sure whether this was due to the time of year or the tides but we didn’t
really need an excuse for a lie-in. We staggered into the sunlight and onto the
boat, then started to head downstairs to get a good spot for the glass bottom
window. Our captain asked us to remain topside for the time being since it was
a narrated tour rather than a see-what-you can one. It wasn’t long till we
approached a cluster of rocks and it was only when we looked carefully we
spotted the otters. They sat still as if we’d snuck up on them unawares and
hoped that we hadn’t seen them. The boat then turned underneath the bridge and
we were invited to go below deck. Benches were placed in front of large windows
but there was little to see other than stones, pebbles, and lots and lots of
Thursday, 21 April 2022
Isn’t it annoying when you try to do a good deed for society but someone stops you? I tried to do one such thing today. There was a trolley loose in the car park, and it had somehow made it to the exit. I decided to do the right thing by returning it to the front of the store. As I approached, a car had parked on the sideroad right across the dropped kerb. I wasn’t prepared to lift the trolley up the kerb, and I hoped that the driver would pull forward to allow me to complete my manoeuvre. Instead, he decided to stay where he was. All I could do was leave the trolley at the side of the road. I pointed to the dropped kerb as I walked past and I hope that they realised what they had done. It would have been nice if they had finished the deed for me but I have no way of telling.
Wednesday, 20 April 2022
Beach Day
Today we headed to the north-west of the island to venture
to Coral beach. We followed the sat-nav which led us to a narrow track with a gravel
car park at the end of it lined with birch trees. The car park was quite full,
but I was determined to get as close as possible to the front and we did find a
space near to the kissing gate. We headed down the grassy track and we were
soon walking alongside the sea. At the end was a beachhead of beautiful golden
sand alongside a rocky pebbled shore. There was also a grassy path leading up
to the top of a cliff head. If we were braver, we might have waded across the
rocks to the island, but instead we just had a picnic and enjoyed the view. For
the number of cars that were around, the area was quiet. Perhaps they’d found
walking routes further afield.
Tuesday, 19 April 2022
"You think, 'What if I make a mistake today, I'll regret it.' I don't believe in regret, I feel everything leads us to where we are and we have to just jump forward, mean well, commit and just see what happens."
-Angelina Jolie.
Some things happen accidentally. You might start with the best of intentions but things might just not go your way. You might be at fault even if you didn’t mean it. It’s just that a decision that you made didn’t go in your favour, and you should have chosen another option. Hopefully you’ll learn from your mistake. Not believing in regret could be a great attitude. You can wake up with everything behind you knowing that you’ve only got to tackle with the events of today. But it also means that you’re not taking responsibility for your past. It says a lot about celebrities really. Not feeling regret can be seen as unemotional or inhuman and unsympathetic, especially if you’ve done an act that offends others. It might be great if you’re turning over a new leaf but it could be damaging to the people that you’ve left behind. Sometimes you need to finish things off before you can move onto others. It leaves a lot less clutter.
Monday, 18 April 2022
Out with the Birds
Sunday, 17 April 2022
What Makes a Man Cry?
Pass the emotion cards please. Onions. Pollen. Dead people. A regretful decision or occurrence that cannot be reversed. A phrase that overwhelms us. Unexpected physical pain that we are struggling to cope with, although sometimes a person can work through it quick enough to convert it into anger, especially if they’re dehydrated at the time. Why do you want to know? Do you want to make someone suffer? Or do you believe that some people are incapable of emotion? Don’t forget that even if someone isn’t shedding tears it doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re not feeling sad inside. Some people are sensitive and may emote to situations that haven’t occurred yet which could be a moment that they fear. Then should it occur, they find themselves ready for it because they’ve anticipated it. Or, they might cry privately so that they might have courage to assist others in their hour of need.
Saturday, 16 April 2022
Fairy Bridge
Friday, 15 April 2022
Getting Jiggy with It
Many people have asked me if this actually works. The idea that you roll your puzzle around a cardboard tube and expect it to remain intact is absurd. But it does! There’s a nice, bold white border to help you keep everything aligned. It all looks so simple and I’m wondering if I could make something similar myself using a wrapping paper tube. The only thing that I’m not keen about it is the itchy material on the cloth. Oh, and the pieces don’t glide on the surface if you want to move a whole chunk of puzzle to a different area. But there’s room to put your pieces outside of the puzzle for you to sort and try later. I wonder if that’s the secret for the pieces to remain in place. It also comes with a puzzle, although it’s not a very exciting one. Ours was of a racecourse. I wonder if it varies.
Thursday, 14 April 2022
Dark Nature
Wednesday, 13 April 2022
Adventurous Places
In the olden days, you’d leave the safety of your familiar surroundings armed to the teeth and head into the outdoors. You might face dinosaurs, volcanoes or even vagabonds depending on where and when you are. There’s not too many adventurous places around here. It’s just towns and countryside. But adventures needn’t take place across perilous landscapes. It’s just somewhere that you’ve seldom been before. Even a shortcut through a muddy wood on a rainy day can be an adventure. Will the path be blocked by trees or water, forcing you to alter your plans? Will you slip down in the mud? Will there be an obstacle to conquer? Will you encounter a stranger that interacts with you? All these events can make a story to tell, and that’s what makes an adventure. It’s all about going somewhere new. You might explore castles of old or a complex of buildings in large cities. But there needs to be a risk involved with a successful gain at the end of it; whether it’s monetary or for the experience.
Tuesday, 12 April 2022
You Spin me Right Round
In the middle of the courtyard is a giant pebble. It’s black
and shiny, I’s made of marble and it sits on a pedestal. It also spins, not on
a motor but with a bit of force. And being unsupervised after a tour to a
distillery, it was decided that someone should sit on top of it. It was
supposed to be a bit of art. It was a fair vault to get to the top of it and I
had to get it spinning first, but I didn’t half feel some speed up there. I was
very reluctant to move, even to look around, so I just waited for the world to
spin by me. None of my friends wanted to try it, but I think I started a trend
for other people to follow. I can’t remember if it goes in either direction so
if someone could let me know, I’d be grateful.
Monday, 11 April 2022
New Year's Eve
Eight different plotlines in this story merge together to create a feel-good film, but the fact that there’s too many stories to follow results in a movie that’s more of a people-pleaser rather than creating a nice aura. The star-studded cast must have cost a fortune to film, and with Bon Jovi performing I can only think that it was an actual live concert with free tickets passed out to everyone in part payment for the picture. Some might have even just passed by and got roped in. The secretary story was a bit pathetic and it would have been nice to have seen a backstory to understand her character. There’s a sense of goodwill as everything turns out just right for everyone and there’s no losers which is just what we want in a Tinseltown film, but there’s no serious conflict and not a lot of originality here.
Sunday, 10 April 2022
A Scottish Country Garden
Outside, there were trips to see otters in the bay. We tried
to see them from the ramparts but the boats were heading too far out so we went
outside for a closer look. The surrounding land seemed to be filled with
rotting moss and overgrown grass. At the end of the inlet were some holiday
cottages and a small shop selling ice creams. But hidden inland beneath the
landscaped hills was a waterfall. Somehow, our group separated to explore different
parts of the garden. I climbed a hill through some woods hoping to get a view
of the castle, and looked down onto a lawn complete with divided flower beds in
between the gravel path. There were also cosy tunnels cut through the hedgerows
to form beautiful archways. In the centre was a square pond complete with lily
pads and a small fountain. This also formed the castle’s own herb and vegetable
Saturday, 9 April 2022
The Wreck #dreamdiary 129
I’ve been a naughty boy. I’ve had a few too many halves at the pub. I’m trying to stop myself from sliding across the road, but either the brakes aren’t working or I’m not pressing them hard enough. I end up hitting a barbed wire fence with wooden poles. There aren’t too many holes in the car, but there are tons of dents and scratches. I stagger out of the passenger side of the car. In my state, it’s clearly not a good idea to attempt to drive the car back onto the road. However, if I leave it where it is it’ll probably be reported by the police who’ll want to know why it’s been abandoned which could lead to criminal damage and a licence ban. What I really need is a friend to come over and drive the car for me or at least reposition it safely then I can go about assessing the damage in the morning. But who can I call?
Friday, 8 April 2022
Once Upon a Time in the West... Country by Tony Hawks

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
View all my reviews
Thursday, 7 April 2022
Do the Barton
Tiny square teeth expel underneath a pointy nose topped by blonde hair and large square ears. At times, his hair is that short that you’d be forgiven for thinking he’s bald. It’s more likely that he had it shaved for a bet. Occasional signs of acne might break out on his face, though whether it’s a pox or down to bad hygiene practices it’s hard to say. His face is so white. It’s as if he’s never been outside before. He must have been skinny at an early age but a few years of rugby has helped him to bulk up. He’s always wearing some kind of rugby attire, though on formal occasions he might go for a black leather jacket and jeans if he’s not in uniform. He speaks quietly but intellectually. He’s happy to hang out with the lads but doesn’t want to take the lead unless he’s on his own, which is seldom. He hates asserting his own independence.
Wednesday, 6 April 2022
Fairie Tales
Tuesday, 5 April 2022
Change your Voice
Changing your voice is difficult. You can sound quite different when speaking to someone else. You might use different tones of voice when speaking to colleagues and customers without even realising it, which customers absolutely hate because it makes you sound condescending. People might wonder who’s talking if they hear you talking to a friend or family member on the phone. You might just take them by surprise, especially if you decide to change your accent. But sometimes it’s nice to hear a different voice. It adds a different presence and mystique to the room unless you’re not expecting anybody. But having two voices in the same tone is just boring. It’s nice to mix it up a bit, especially if you’re a smart speaker. Why not have the ability to have different celebrities? Some people might even be dumb enough to pay to do it. It does seem that you can, but the process looks a lot more long-winded than it should be.
Monday, 4 April 2022
Doing Dunvegan
Sunday, 3 April 2022
The Vampress #Vampress 1
In a dark, dark village lies a dark, dark, secret. A secret that causes the villagers to hide in fear. They welcome the summer but in winter they go into hibernation. In the hills, a tall, thin castle looms above them all, but nobody dares to climb the windy path to its peak. There was a time where the occupants of the house were respected. They used their wealth to help defend the villagers from oppressive invaders. Today, the occupants have not been seen. It’s as if a curse has been struck to condemn the village into misery and not provide modern amenities. No-one knows if anyone remains. They only know that at night the wolves come crawling up to its doors. It’s quite odd. They’ve never seen so many packs before. And no-one dares stay up to watch them leave at dawn. Once the howling stops, they know it’s safe to sleep.
Saturday, 2 April 2022
Malch Ado About Nothing
Friday, 1 April 2022
What's a Wordle?
Quite simply, you must guess the word in five attempts. After each attempt you’re told if you got a letter in the right place and if you got a matching letter in the wrong place. On my first ever attempt, I was one letter out from guessing the solution. I didn’t come armed with tactics so I kept repeating my letters instead of spreading them. I don’t think that there’s anything new to it other than it’s available online, and I’m amazed that the page isn’t crawling with adverts unless I’m using the wrong site. I’m sure that a similar puzzle appeared in a newspaper where you changed one letter in each row to transform the top word into the bottom word in five attempts. I think there’s even a TV show in a similar format named Lingo? I think contestants get clues for that one, though they don’t get the Mastermind-styled clues.