Thursday 14 April 2022

Dark Nature

I love how the trees bend to make archways. I don’t know whether they’re grown like that or that they’ve been positioned to that effect, but I suspect that some maintenance is involved to keep a pathway. If you can carve a wall into a rockface to make a home, you can twist trees to make a garden. In some ways, it looks as if nature is attempting to swallow you up to lock you away from the world, and that might not be a bad thing in these modern times. It’s a little escape, providing that you’re not trapped and that you’re free to return at will. Leaves scattered across a path suggest that something was there before but the wind has blown it away. But you never know what’s around the next corner. It might be something nasty, or it might be a nice surprise. The only way to find out is to venture onwards… 

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