Monday 25 April 2022

Lost Underground #dreamdiary 130

We’ve gone for a walk around our old college grounds. We’re in a concrete tunnel that’s on the map as a public footpath. Even though it’s in a student town, it’s completely bare. There’s no rubbish or graffiti. I’m struggling to work out how it’s lit. We climb a hill, and at the mouth of the tunnel we walk into a beautiful summer’s day with blue sky. We’re also standing on someone’s lawn. To the left of us there’s a family having a picnic, and on the right there’s a large group of people having a barbecue. No-one’s the last bit bothered by our appearance. We reach the houses and there’s a gap between the two of them. There’s not even a fence separating the path from the fence. I call up the GPS map on my phone and sure enough we’re standing on the pink dotted line indicating a footpath. I wonder how often it’s used. 

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