Friday 22 April 2022

Otter Spotting

The first sailing for the excursion wasn’t until 11. We weren’t sure whether this was due to the time of year or the tides but we didn’t really need an excuse for a lie-in. We staggered into the sunlight and onto the boat, then started to head downstairs to get a good spot for the glass bottom window. Our captain asked us to remain topside for the time being since it was a narrated tour rather than a see-what-you can one. It wasn’t long till we approached a cluster of rocks and it was only when we looked carefully we spotted the otters. They sat still as if we’d snuck up on them unawares and hoped that we hadn’t seen them. The boat then turned underneath the bridge and we were invited to go below deck. Benches were placed in front of large windows but there was little to see other than stones, pebbles, and lots and lots of algae. 


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