Tuesday 5 April 2022

Change your Voice

Changing your voice is difficult. You can sound quite different when speaking to someone else. You might use different tones of voice when speaking to colleagues and customers without even realising it, which customers absolutely hate because it makes you sound condescending. People might wonder who’s talking if they hear you talking to a friend or family member on the phone. You might just take them by surprise, especially if you decide to change your accent. But sometimes it’s nice to hear a different voice. It adds a different presence and mystique to the room unless you’re not expecting anybody. But having two voices in the same tone is just boring. It’s nice to mix it up a bit, especially if you’re a smart speaker. Why not have the ability to have different celebrities? Some people might even be dumb enough to pay to do it. It does seem that you can, but the process looks a lot more long-winded than it should be. 

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