Thursday 21 April 2022


Isn’t it annoying when you try to do a good deed for society but someone stops you? I tried to do one such thing today. There was a trolley loose in the car park, and it had somehow made it to the exit. I decided to do the right thing by returning it to the front of the store. As I approached, a car had parked on the sideroad right across the dropped kerb. I wasn’t prepared to lift the trolley up the kerb, and I hoped that the driver would pull forward to allow me to complete my manoeuvre. Instead, he decided to stay where he was. All I could do was leave the trolley at the side of the road. I pointed to the dropped kerb as I walked past and I hope that they realised what they had done. It would have been nice if they had finished the deed for me but I have no way of telling. 

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