Saturday 16 April 2022

Fairy Bridge

Our final destination of the day was the Fairy Bridge. Little is known about this attraction, and it took me a while to find on Google. Luckily, I’d downloaded the entire island before the trip so even though I was off-line we still headed to our destination. It wasn’t much to look at. A single-track road by a bus stop held a parking place to admire it, but all we could see was a small stream passing through a stone arched tunnel. I headed down the embankment to take a picture of it. There was a footpath going across it but I had no idea where it led to. Luckily it was dark, the others had had some whisky and we still had a good hour’s drive before we would be back at the cottage, so there were plenty of excuses for pressing for home. Oddly, I discovered that my phone had been playing music at low volume for quite some time while I’d been driving. The others thought it amusing that I’d only just noticed it. Curse my ears! 

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