Thursday 28 April 2022

Green Day

We’d just popped back to the cottage for lunch. We’d plans for an afternoon excursion and was just about to depart when we looked up at the bridge to see a gathering of people. This must be Green Day. We hadn’t been totally detached from world events and we’d read on the news that various environmental marches were taking place today, but we didn’t realise that there’d be one in our area. They’d made a banner and we wondered if they’d be stopping traffic or walking alongside it. Either way, we decided to set off before they obstructed us. Fortunately, we weren’t planning to cross the bridge, we’d just need to drive up the hill towards it. People were still heading over, and one man was attempting to drive a huge banner on a mobility scooter. As he approached the roundabout, it toppled over. We started to help him, but his entourage was already there to assist and we gave him plenty of time to complete his crossing. It was a good job that we’d made plans otherwise we might have joined them, which would have been interesting and we’d quite possibly start an England versus Scotland riot.


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