Thursday 7 April 2022

Do the Barton

Tiny square teeth expel underneath a pointy nose topped by blonde hair and large square ears. At times, his hair is that short that you’d be forgiven for thinking he’s bald. It’s more likely that he had it shaved for a bet. Occasional signs of acne might break out on his face, though whether it’s a pox or down to bad hygiene practices it’s hard to say. His face is so white. It’s as if he’s never been outside before. He must have been skinny at an early age but a few years of rugby has helped him to bulk up. He’s always wearing some kind of rugby attire, though on formal occasions he might go for a black leather jacket and jeans if he’s not in uniform. He speaks quietly but intellectually. He’s happy to hang out with the lads but doesn’t want to take the lead unless he’s on his own, which is seldom. He hates asserting his own independence. 

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