Monday 4 April 2022

Doing Dunvegan

We travelled down a very well-maintained coastal road and found a space in a small car park. I’d hate to think what it would be like in the summer. As we left the car we were greeted by a robin who wasn’t shy to come and say hello. There was a small bungalow selling souvenirs and over the road was a hut selling entrance tickets. After studying the prices, we worked out that if one of us became a friend, they could invite the rest of us in at a cheaper rate. We ventured through the stone and iron gates, and at the end of the hedgerow were some beautiful plants. We decided to head into the castle first as there were few people about. Its exterior seriously needed a paint job, but inside it was well furnished with carpeted stairs. The family’s artwork and heirlooms were on display for all to see, alongside a stuffed moose’s head which guarded the stairs. 

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