Tuesday 11 January 2022

Spaced Out on Alexa's Space Deck

I wondered if this was another orbit app to tell me what’s above my head at the moment, but after reading up on it I gather that it’s more to do with personal space and relaxation than the orbital one. A bit of clicking around is required to get this skill to work, as for some reason it tries to open it through my TV again. I’m not going to leave my TV plugged in for the sake of a little round dot. The first thing I hear is a rumbling sound and I think it might be a rocket taking off before remembering that this is a calm feature designed to alleviate stress so it might be the sound of the ocean. I wonder if someone actually stood by the sea with a microphone for an hour. More reviews tell me that people do believe that they’re on a spaceship warping through the stars which is odd as there’s no sign in space. You could just as easily be on a flight passing through air. Oh well, at least you’ve got lots of leg room.

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