Sunday 9 January 2022

Full Autumn Mode

It starts with the trees. The leaves turn from green to yellow to orange, as if they’ve slowly been roasting all year and they’re finally baked and burnt and fall off onto the ground to make a natural gloop in our towns and cities. For some people, it can be tough to get through them. The clocks have gone back so there’s less daylight about and you can spend your day without seeing any light at all if you commute in darkness and return through it. It’s hard to say if this man-made effect has a big impact on our lives as no-one wants to take the risk of being out of sync and discovering the alternative. You’re bombarded with spells of rain and wind and a chill breeze, and the natural instinct is to take shelter rather than to venture out to environments that you’d normally enjoy. The world seems a colder place and the only way to avoid that is to open your wallet and put the heating on.

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