Monday 10 January 2022

A Mad Dash Around Manchester

We were ready to head to the visa office. We’d had a cooked breakfast at a pub in Birmingham, so food wasn’t our primary concern. We’d found the office and had time for a wander before our appointment. We also met Emmeline Parkhurst in her statue form, standing on a chair in a priestly pose. Suddenly, we’d realised that we hadn’t bought any envelopes to receive our modified passports. I quickly scoured google and found a newsagent that offered a full post office service half a mile away. We quickly bought the required documents then realised that we’d lost our bearings and it took a while before we’d orientated ourselves back in the right direction. Thankfully, we’d got back to the reception five minutes before our appointment and joined the queue to be booked in. We stood half out of breath awaiting our turn to see the visa officer to give us permission to go on holiday.


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