Wednesday 19 January 2022

A Manic Meeting #dreamdiary 124

I’m in the pub and we’re having our usual branch meeting in a function room at the rear. It’s all going at its usual pace and we’ve paused for our mid-meeting beer break. Our host has put out a small oriental buffet to keep us happy. We’re grateful for this and attempt to resume our meeting but the host walks in Upon returning, a woman walks in dressed in a blue oriental costume complete with Kabuki makeup. She starts to wheel out small square mahogany tables, on top of each one is a bottle of whisky. She talks into a microphone about the flavours in the bottle while the tables revolve, first around themselves and then around the room. It was like she was rehearsing for a commercial in the middle of our meeting. Not sold on the idea, we decide to abandon the meeting. I head to the exit which happens to be a ten-foot drop to the ground before remembering that there was a lift at the far exit of the room. I miss the next car, but rather than waiting for it to come back up again, I decide to climb through the pub’s private quarters into the beer garden. I felt like James Bond only there wasn’t a female agent waiting for me on the sun bed. I exit the garden and see another tower in front of me where a sixty-year-old man has just run off the ledge and has completed a superhuman jump to the next block. I’m about to ascend to the top of the tower when I notice an estate car on the other side of the fence start up with some familiar outlines sitting in the back. I call for their attention and they open the boot and I dive in next to a group of kids.

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