Saturday 29 January 2022

Happy Hour

There used to be a legendary time in pubs known as happy hour. For a whole hour, drinks used to be two for the price of one or would at least be rounded down nicely to encourage people to visit. Traditionally, it would usually be to encourage locals to pop in during the early evening on their way home from work; to catch up with others in their community and to fill the place up with a bit of atmosphere. Nowadays, it’s not something that’s advertised, or at least it’s a secret kept to the locals as these once honest businesses need to grab every penny. But who can blame them? Over the years there’s been a stream of anti-health measures to keep us away from these premises. Cheaper booze in the supermarket, the restrictions of not being able to do what you want, not to mention the mandatory closures. Will our boozers be the same ever again?

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