Friday 7 January 2022

A Room Without a View #Titannabell 10

Soon the King and Queen declared an end to the proceedings to allow their hosts to rest and prepare for the celebrations that were to follow. Titannabell was getting to a point where people couldn’t tell where the cushions ended and her rear began; in any event there were going to be some very flat cushions. The royal party were led off by a team of household servants that were respectfully followed by an armed guard. The servants opened the door to the breakfast room and stood back to allow the giant princess to say goodnight to her parents. Meanwhile, the guards were reluctant to follow the King and Queen and only followed when they heard a cough from up ahead. Inside her room, Titannabell was arranging a pile of cushions on the mattress. The room had a stone floor but there were lots of red satin blankets lining the walls and windows.

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