Friday 14 January 2022

Sun and Moons

What’s the best time of day to take a photo of a new garden ornament? Hopefully, it’s when it’s in use. But in this case, the light outshines what you can actually see. The result is a miniature sun that’s descended into the garden and brings everything that’s in black into shadow. The two eyes are from a solar-powered owl but if you look at the photo as a thumbnail, you’d be forgiven for thinking it’s a dragon with more grey spouting out from behind the right to act as legs. It certainly looks as if Aslan from Narnia’s suddenly going to bring all the stone creatures to life. There might even be something hidden in the plant pot waiting to jump out. I t certainly brings a sense of mystery, and it’s no surprise that all sorts of creatures have been visiting to view our magnificent sights. And not all of them are in a rush to leave in a hurry.


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