Monday 17 January 2022

My Biggest Loss

Most people would focus on someone that’s passed away. Some would look at material objects such as a house, car or even a career. But to me my biggest loss are my senses. It’s so frustrating when you can’t make something of the world around you when it comes to others naturally. Sight is a difficult one. I used to get massive hayfever attacks which caused my eyelids to swell and stick together and had to be prised open. Smell and taste keep you in sync with your surroundings, though you shouldn’t be using the latter much other than to nourish yourself. And feelings, whether emotional or physical, also helps to interact with the world around you. Since birth I’ve suffered from hearing problems and still have occasions in adulthood, though most of the time it’s a case of making time to get my ears syringed. But controlling all of this is thinking. It’s hard to work out what’s happening with your environment and you need a good sense of initiative to calculate the appropriate response. Sometimes you can get away with a smile or just fain ignorance and acknowledge someone’s presence rather than calculate an action that they require you to perform. 

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