Sunday 30 January 2022

Hitching a Lift

We had a couple of miles to go to reach the pub. The next phase of the walk involved following a bridleway surrounded by fields to reach the next road junction. As we neared the corner, we saw on off-road vehicle approach so we stood aside to let it pass. The driver warned us that it was quite flooded ahead, but we were prepared for a bit of mud and decided to press on. As we turned the corner, we saw that the bridleway was impassable, and the only route that we could take would be to head back to the road and follow it round. Fortunately, the off-road vehicle had stopped at the road. Inside was the driver’s wife and sun. The driver offered to leave his family at the roadside to take us through the bridleway. This kind offer saved us a few miles, and I’m hoping this allowed the driver to take a few more risks on his return journey to his family. 

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