Saturday 8 January 2022

Kids in the Wild

Excitement mounts as tiny feet are let loose into the colourful plateau beyond. Some charge off ready to explore, while others are more apprehensive about leaving their carer behind and are unsure about what lies within. Often, these need encouragement or guidance to make those exploratory steps, and some may need accompanying into the unknown. The air is full of laughter and squeals. Occasionally a few tears may be shed, either from those who are too tired to continue or those that don’t want to depart from this colourful land. Some may experience a fright or injury such as another more confident child passing them at speed or being pushed out of the way to fulfil their excitement. These too may eventually be drawn to tears, by receiving punishment if the act is witnessed by their own carer, and the conflict can occur amongst the adults if the act is witnessed between them.


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