Friday 28 January 2022

Charge to the Pub

It’s been a true expedition to get to this year’s beer festival. Rather than taking the scenic route which would be longer and usually flooded, we decided to take the more direct route through a farm. Unfortunately, this meant cutting through a herd full of bulls complete with grazing calves. We kept to the edge as much as we could despite the footpath cutting through, but they put up a harsh defence. At one point they changed their step into a full-blown gallop and even had us surrounded as if we’d been rounded up. One even looked about to charge if it wasn’t for a female which stepped in its way. I had to puff myself up and look big, and we managed to jump over a fence into the safety of the road. We walked around the corner to the bridleway which looked a bit flooded, but we had to make it across or prepare for a long diversion.

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