I’m late for work. I decide that if I forego breakfast, I can make it on time and maybe stop at the convenience store on the way and buy a sandwich to sneak into the stockroom later. I head off on my e-scooter and park it outside the shop opposite the metro line. The whole area is full of sanded concrete buildings in a pedestrianised area containing shops in what used to be a huge housing estate with a jumble of roads and criss-cross green spaces. The e-scooter is still running. I ponder the best way to get to work from here. Should I backtrack on myself and go down the old road? Or should I turn off the scooter and walk through the precinct to catch a glance at our company’s newer store? I look at my watch and discover that I should have been at work by now. I take out my phone and start looking at Google maps to plan the best route.
Sunday, 31 October 2021
Saturday, 30 October 2021
Prancing around Penguins
Friday, 29 October 2021
What is the craziest office scandal that happened at your job?
I took on a temporary early evening cleaning job with two fairly aged mothers. We’d meet in the reception of an office block and we’d each load up a trolley of supplies to cover three or four office areas. We’d do simple things like vacuuming, emptying the bins, cleaning the toilets and scrubbing down desks. The offices were mainly for social security workers so we wouldn’t expect anything to be too gross, but everything had to be super hygienic and we had to wear gloves and even sanitise the phones. I guess that if the office workers walked in the next day and couldn’t smell any sanitiser then we hadn’t been scrubbing hard enough. We’d spend maybe half an hour doing our own areas then we’d put the kettle on and have a brew while our supervisor checked that our work was satisfactory. One day I received a note saying dear Mrs. Cleaner with a list of areas for me to focus on that evening. I guess they hadn’t cottoned onto equal rights yet. Yeah, I don’t have much experience of working in an office.
Thursday, 28 October 2021
Stuck in the Village
Wednesday, 27 October 2021
"A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on."
-John F. Kennedy.
It’s natural to want your legacy to live in in some form, whether it’s through your children or to commemorated for something that you did. It’s your calling card that you were here on earth. And even if the planet is left in ruins, it’s hoped that some form of your existence would still prevail; even if it’s a mission that you weren’t able to complete but someone else might strive to achieve your goal, even if they claim it as their own. It’s ironic that some of these ideas are being discussed even now as quotes, if only to preserve the thinking of the person that spoke them. But ideas are nothing if people don’t discover them and they may never be found or acted on if people don’t share their thinking. The key is how people preserve these important ideas so that one day their wishes may be fulfilled.
Tuesday, 26 October 2021
A model of a model within a model...
To be honest, it looks like a heck of a mess. It’s hard to
say whether the newer buildings represent new houses built in the area or if
they’re part of a restoration project. Is it genuine Cotswold stone, or is it
just a plastic mould waiting for material to be added to it? There’s not really
much in the way of a guide or an information board to tell you what you’re
looking at, so it’s pretty much up to the viewer to decide. The public
buildings were more interesting since some of them had sections of their walls removed
so that you could peer inside. It looks like they want to stick to the
traditional village rather than showcase how the village has evolved though. It
would be great if they had a hands-on model section. Sure, they’d get some duff
ones but they might pick up some new ideas too.
Monday, 25 October 2021
Nobody really likes a secret. I suppose it's OK if it turns out to be a nice surprise, but the consequences of discovering information that is detrimental to your character can be upsetting. It's a right that you should have access to the same knowledge as everyone else, all and you can hope you is that you’ll discover it but it's not nice when you know that everyone is conspiring to keep things from you. Sometimes it's a game, but when it becomes part of your life it can really get hold of you. I don't have a shocking secret. I might have dirty habits that I don't want you to discover, but it's probably for the best if you do as it'll stop me from performing them owing to fear of embarrassment. I've kept certain truths or attempt to from parents to avoid getting into trouble, and I suspect a lot of people have done the same thing, particularly with the law as well. But some people are addicted to secrets. They thrive on gossip and action and wonder how long I can last before someone finds them out. Love, stop. It makes them particularly addicted to soap operas, usually because of who's sleeping with who.
Sunday, 24 October 2021
Little Posers
Saturday, 23 October 2021
Towelling Off
What can you say about a piece of metal that consists of two rods that slide in and out of a bracket? I don’t think it even came in a box or had instructions. We just received pieces of metal wrapped in plastic and some screws. Apparently it’s easy to install but it’s not a job that I’m allowed to attempt. It does look a bit delicate as it doesn’t extend that far, and I also think that the gap between the rods isn’t wide enough if you’ve got two thick towels. It’s also quite shiny but it will probably spend most of its life covered up by towels. As it’s new, it does feel quite sturdy and the bracket hides away well but I wonder if it would hold the weight of two wet towels. I guess only time will tell and that I won’t have to worry about rust.
Friday, 22 October 2021
Village People
We arrive at the model village and pass through the
turnstile. It’s a cash only job and I wonder if a mobile signal is powerful
enough around here to warrant card payments. We’re greeted by a view of
sandstone buildings surrounding by a well-trimmed wall of hedgerows to mark the
perimeter fence. Occasionally there’s the odd domed umbrella floating about like
some kind of camp spaceship, and the odd child’s hood peeking out over the
rooftops. The buildings are a bit worn down; evidently the model’s been here a
while and it’s not looking its best; some buildings are desperately in need of
a touch-up or it could be the rain reflecting the actual village. The best
thing I loved about it was that there was a model village within the model village.
I’m guessing they only built that once though. Next to this was a railway
exhibition but I don’t think the girls would been interested enough to warrant
the extra charge to visit this.
Thursday, 21 October 2021
A real real Wimpy wimpy
What was once a wimpy skinny guy with freckles on the nose that loved to prance around in water has now become a loyal friend. The belly might have grown a bit to the point of wondering if he’s pregnant, but a controlled diet has toned that back down again to be as short as his fair hair. He’s never ready at any physical activity unless it’s a walk with a pint at the end which often involves a beer gear. There’s an aura about him that he always has to be in labelled uniform and doesn’t realise when it’s time to be formal. He’s also not a great listener as information washes over him after it’s been explained. He’s happy to be committed to labour but isn’t a great instigator when it comes to planning, often choosing to shelter at home rather than taking a leap out into adventure.
Wednesday, 20 October 2021
Bourton-on-the-Water Model Village
It’s a cold, wet, day and it’s our turn to entertain the
kids. We promised them a day out so off we head into the Cotswolds to look at
the model village. It seems that despite the weather, a lot of other people
have got the same idea. The local tourist trap car park is full of coaches and
we take a lovely tour of the next pay and display lot only to discover that
that’s full as well. We take a drive around the village and park in a
backstreet outside someone’s house. It’s not ideal as we’re a short walk away
but at least it’s legal and we’re not blocking anyone’s way. The girls don’t
mind the walk as they’ve been inside the car for an hour and are keen to
stretch their legs. It’s a shame that it’s a very busy road with nothing much
in the way of sights.
Tuesday, 19 October 2021
Marvel's Agents of Shield
What an amazing series. It’s an evolved version of Thunderbirds only on a massive scale. There’s stunts and action galore as well as high-tech gadgets. It’s great how all the characters are committed to come together as a team. There’s also plenty of dry wit and humorous moments. And the mole buried in the team against the backdrop of the films was amazing. It’s a shame that this wasn’t carried out for the rest of the series. I love how the team’s leadership is shifted around the whole series. I thought it was a shame that Bobbi and Hunter left the series and was delighted to see Lance return in series 5. I must admit that the final two series was a bit hard to follow in terms of enemies and all the alterations of the timeline. It seems that they just couldn’t let go of Coulson, and Simmons experienced major character changes. But it’s certainly a series that I’d want to watch again.
The Feast #Titannabell 8
The King and Queen were seated on a raised table on a stage alongside the hosts of the party. Titannabell was invited to sit on a raised bed of cushions below the stage, but she was that tall that her breasts still overreached the host’s table. Because of her size, the hosts thought it would be rude not to keep Titannabell waiting for each course and would always ensure that she was served first and got the best and biggest portion as a token of their hostelry and have her own waiting staff. It was great entertainment for the rest of the crowd as well who were keen to witness how much food this girl could put away and whether she would grant the ensemble a favour by letting loose one of her earth-shaking belches. Of course, such an act would deem to be unladylike but it certainly didn’t deprive her of any attention.
Monday, 18 October 2021
Forward the Foundation by Issac Asimov

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
View all my reviews
Sunday, 17 October 2021
Barrels and Bongs
So just what the heck is happening here? It looks like the barrel’s trying to get high as it dishes out the beer. It looks like a tiny bit of plastic that’s someone’s moulded to the top. Is this a quick repair job to keep the line intact? Is the beer being transferred from one barrel to the other to make some room? And what’s the stuff that’s coming up the tube? Is it a gas or a liquid? Maybe the beer’s breathing and the air’s being extracted from the barrel to make it last longer. It’s strange that the keystone is on the metal rim of the barrel and not the wood. This must make it a lot harder to fit unless this is a barrel that’s designed to be refilled. I can think of better things to do on a Saturday afternoon. Hopefully it’s not wasting too much beer.
Saturday, 16 October 2021
Ambridge Mosaic at Southcrest Manor Beer Festival
A festival isn’t’ just about the bands you see or the beers
you drink or how much you spend or avoid spending. It’s about the people you
meet. The bands might be from the top of the pops and you could spend every
penny you have sampling every item but if you’re doing it all solo it all tends
to be a bit commercialised. And even with your friends it could just like you’re
meeting up in the usual local all over again. It’s all about meeting different
people and seeing how they interact with the same stimuli. You might find that
character that everyone talks about or the event might just move you enough to
become that person. There’s a great atmosphere to get you going with live music
for everyone, bales of hay to sit on and chill out, and you can go at your own
pace and try whatever takes your fancy.
Friday, 15 October 2021
Nice Day for a Drab Wedding #dreamdiary 118
Me and a colleague from work have been invited to a wedding reception. There’s been a bit of a debate as to who will attend, but we are the company’s chosen representatives. We work a half day then throw a blazer over our uniforms and jump into a taxi. We arrive at the local social club. Inside, we walk through a large open room with a square bar in the middle to reach the function room at the back. The tables are laid out banquet-style in front of a stage and we’re invited to take our seats. Then Mrs. Doyle (or a lookalike) arrives to a glittering gold backdrop. She’s wearing a matching top hat and tails with white gloves and boots. She presents the new bride and groom’s family who are a bit shy to be brought up on stage. We then realise that we have to make our way back to work and organise a taxi, realising that we still need to retrieve our cars from our workplace. We also haven’t seen the bride and groom all day.
Thursday, 14 October 2021
Happy Birthday
Is it a time for celebration or is it a time of reflection?
After all, it does mark your demise. But it's a day when all the attention is
on you. There's a ritual to this as we turn light into darkness by blowing out
candles on a cake after observing how many there are. But does it mark another
year of survival? Is it an opportunity to compare your progress to your peers?
Whatever it is, society believes that it should be marked in some way. It's as
if it's commemorating successful intercourse between two people around nine
months before this date. And now we gather and send gifts and share cake and send
cards if we can't be there or in this day and age a photo message on social
media is dispatched instead. It's a great indication of who your friends and
allies are. But don't forget that it's just as important to take part in the
celebration of theirs as well.
Wednesday, 13 October 2021
It’s a bit difficult to play these games on your own, but at least they get the theme music right in these things. We get a warm welcome from the gameshow hosts then the assistant jumps in to announce today’s category. Mine was History and Politics. I suppose you get the option to run away if you don’t fancy it. There’s also no time limit, so you can take as long as you like to answer the question, which means that there’s nothing to stop you from googling your answers either. So if you can’t think of anything, you can go ahead and learn. If you’re right, Richard does give a few other answers but not as much detail as he would in the show. After three rounds the game is over, and I’m invited to come back tomorrow to play again or pay to upgrade to the tournament mode. I suppose it’s handy to build up your confidence if you’re planning to appear on the show, but otherwise it’s just a quick five minutes of entertainment.
Tuesday, 12 October 2021
A Wander in Worcester Woods Country Park
Monday, 11 October 2021
Is Toxic Positivity Real?
You’ve got to wonder who dreams these terms up. Is it something that we really need to be aware of? I suppose it’s real if you choose to make it real. But if you choose to ignore it, then you don’t need to worry about it. I suppose it can be annoying if someone’s always smiling at you even if there’s a negative situation. It’s as if they’re a plastic person with a fixed smile who can’t identify an emotion or be granted any freedom of expression. There’s just no way that these people can sympathise with any kind of problem, or when they do they just want to dispose of you as quickly as possible. It can be frustrating when you’re trying to get some genuine help. But if they’re stuck in their ways, it’s probably better to just abandon them altogether and try and find someone that cares.
Sunday, 10 October 2021
Ancient Paphos
Saturday, 9 October 2021
"If they don't like you for being yourself, be yourself even more."
-Taylor Swift.
Everyone wants you to conform to some sort of system,
whether it’s how to behave while out and about or act in a certain manner,
particularly in the workplace. But that can be kind of boring. If everyone’s
doing the same thing, it just makes life predictable. Instead, you need to stand
out and do what you want to do. Otherwise, you’ll be too easily persuaded to
follow the herd and do things that everyone else wants you to do. If people
want to mould you to act a certain way, then they’ve definitely got too much
control over you. It also takes the enjoyment out of things. So why should you
put up with it? You need to let them know that you’re not all right with it. You
may feel kind of lonely at first, but others will follow you if you can make
them see your point.
Friday, 8 October 2021
Aphrodite's Rock Brewery
Thursday, 7 October 2021
What I Really Want
I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want, don’t’ tell me what you want what what you really really want, I wanna zig-a-zig-ah! But if I don’t tell you what I want what I really really want, how am I supposed to get it? I suppose I’ll have to go and get it myself. It’s often a question I get asked when it comes to close to birthdays or Christmas, but I hate giving people the easy option. Instead, I like to think that they know me well enough to anticipate things that I’d like and enjoy. But I can't seem to obtain my goals and desires. I'd like a study income that pays enough to sustain myself and a family to go with it. But why can't I have these things when others can? Is it because I'm not trying hard enough? Or am I being too worn down by others through unselfish ways? I'd like a bit of glamour and a fun day out with people who are interested in spending time with me and like to invite me out to interesting places or events. It would be nice if I didn't have to do the planning and also be available for these opportunities. I’d like my things to be nicer with a bit less rat and tat and have room to store them. I’d like more time to spend pursuing new hobbies and projects.
Wednesday, 6 October 2021
Out and About in Paphos
Tuesday, 5 October 2021
Old and Grey
I needed some new smart t-shirts for going out and about in. I picked some up from the shops and my last one was an online order. The choice of size was limited to the usual male range, and I wasn’t sure what the texture of the cotton would be. It was an interesting shirt since the sleeves were a slightly different shade to the body of the garment. When it arrived, the feel of it was nice, soft and smooth. But when I tried it on, it looked ridiculously baggy. It was the kind of shirt that an American teenager would wear in a heatwave to keep cool. It was the kind of size that an American footballer would fill out proudly. But on me, it just emphasised my skinniness. When I looked in the mirror, there was more shirt than person. And now that shirt’s got to go on a journey back to the warehouse in the hope that it’ll be passed onto someone else.
Monday, 4 October 2021
Swinging Sisters
The breakfast quality isn’t great as it’s cooked en-mass
then chucked into serving pans as there’s lots of people to serve, but the choice
is plentiful. I found myself alternating between cereal and pancakes then a
nice choice full English. I’d also tuck away an apple for later which my nieces
found incredibly amusing and towards the end of the week they began doing the
same thing with pieces of cake. A daytime tour of the complex found us a little
supermarket which was functional but slightly overpriced, and on the other side
of the road was a small arcade. There was also a spot for hiring bikes and a
heated indoor pool and gymnasium. Opposite this was the main pool which was
split into a small splash pool and a very cold large pool with a dividing
bridge. Opposite this was a café which doubled as an entertainment room, a small
indoor kids room, a play area and some sunbeds facing the sea.
Sunday, 3 October 2021
The Absorberer
She’s got small and short blonde hair with a very small fringe overlapping her forehead. She has small straight square teeth, so small that she has to cut her food into ridiculously small pieces which takes her ages at mealtimes. When dining in company, she’ll resort to abandoning what’s left on her plate and will spend the day nibbling on jerky or straw-like snacks. She’s never seen without her travel coffee mug or some other snack in liquid form. She’s constantly on the go and it’s her small ponytail that makes her so aerodynamic. As a result she’s very thin, but she always wears short shorts to display her smooth legs accompanied by light, bright, colours, usually white or yellow. When it’s cold, she’ll resort to a large baggy sweater to wrap herself up in, but as soon as the sun is up or there’s any sign of physical activity she’ll cast this off so that she can try to absorb as much sun as possible to rid herself of her pale look. Nevertheless, she’s fast and determined, and she’s always ready to put in the effort to keep things moving quickly.
Saturday, 2 October 2021
Kefalos Beach Tourist Village
We’re welcomed by friendly smiling staff in a large atrium. There’s
a nice selection of comfortable balcony sofas with matching coffee tables stacked
with a small selection of magazines and leaflets. The check-in process is simple
and we’re invited to hand our luggage to a porter to be driven to our apartment
on a golf cart. The ladies are given a lift and a quick tour of the complex while
we walk down a well-laid path of crazy paving surrounded by well-maintained
greenery. The room is comfortable. It’s a bit echoey inside which makes up for
those scorching hot days but the climate controls are easy to operate. After a
good night’s sleep, we attempt to retrace last night’s steps to the breakfast
buffet. It’s in a very large open-plan room but staff are always on hand to
allocate us a table. The view isn’t great and there’s a bit of a journey to
make between the table and the buffet.
Friday, 1 October 2021
Black Widow
I was disappointed to learn that this movie wasn’t to be an origin film. I knew of Romanoff’s tie-in to the Red Room as she was introduced in the Avengers films, but what I was really looking for was a fill-in of the relationship between herself and Barton, maybe with some S.H.I.E.L.D agents thrown in. And some intimate moments would have been brilliant. Instead, we’re treated to a post-Civil War film with some new characters thrown in to prevent the release of brain-washing gas. And the use of Ray Winstone as a villain made it look too tacky and simple rather than a battle with someone who possessed superhuman powers. That said, the film did have a few interesting moments. I loved how Belova mocked Romanoff’s poses, and the locations that the film covered were quite spectacular. But the attempt to encourage a former hero to get back into his cape just failed. I couldn’t see him portrayed as a father figure, and perhaps this should have been covered in the introduction of the film. I also spent his every appearance wondering if her was Kelsey Grammer. The film is entertaining in itself, but it doesn’t really fill in any puzzles to the cinematic universe.