Sunday 1 March 2020

Wadworth Studs Up at the Bowling Green Inn, Hadley

I approach the pub from the bottom of a hill on a country lane. It hasn’t been an easy journey to get here but I’ve arrived. I pass traditional wooden fencing and notice that there’s a bowls match at play. It looks like it’s lunchtime as sandwiches are being eaten in the gazebo. I cross the car park and enter the pub. There’s a main corridor with a small dining room on the left then the pub opens out to an open dining room with a bar. It’s virtually empty. The beer suits me since I’ve been walking quite a while, but I have to turn my nose up at the place when they tell me that it’s over £4 a pint. Normally I like to soak up the atmosphere in the beer garden but I’ve had some fresh air already. I take a seat at one of the tables and get my map out to plan my next destination.

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