Friday 20 March 2020

Grub on the Go #devilsdaughter 12

Luke wandered over to the window to admire the view. Meanwhile Lucinda wasted no time in being left alone. She guzzled down the drink in front of her then strode over to Luke in for a quick embrace. Luke quite quickly excused himself as he needed the bathroom. Lucinda smiled as she guzzled down the second glass of champagne. Then came a timid knock on the door. 
‘Come in’ said Lucinda. A timid skinny girl in a short tartan skirt with brown hair and glasses came in.
‘Hello’ she said, ‘I’m Flor-oh! I’m sorry, I’ve never met anyone like you before.’
‘That’s all right Flor-oh, we’re a rare breed. I believe you’re here for my measurements.’
‘Yes, that’s right.’ She opened a drawer and stared inside at the tape measures. She gulped. Would she need two tied together? She selected the longest one and asked Lucinda to stand on the podium and hold out her arms. Lucinda’s head brushed the ceiling and the podium creaked a little as she stepped on. She walked around her, taking measurements and scribbling notes onto a sketch pad. When she measured Lucinda’s breasts, she gasped. She looked up into her eyes. ‘You’re huge’ she said.
Lucinda looked down at her and smiled.

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