Tuesday 10 March 2020

What is the Rudest Job interview that you've ever had?

It was for a conductor on a train company. I’d been invited to an interview and was shown into a corridor of a hired office alongside several other people. We were shown into a large room which had tables and chairs arranged like a school seminar. We were then told that the interview would be a group exercise and that we each had a role to play in a debate. Of course, there has to be both a pro and a con side for a debate to be successful, so a bit of role-playing was required. I wasn’t comfortable talking about my part in the debate or pretending to be something that I wasn’t. It was strange that we weren’t offered reversing roles since I’d have thought that they were looking for people that could both attack and defend successfully. I felt annoyed that I had to argue views that I didn’t share; and of course I didn’t know any of the other applicants so I felt that they took my views personally.

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