Thursday 12 March 2020

Suspenders and Belts

I do a lot of my gym training on a weekday morning when it’s quiet. As a result, I do tend to see a lot of older people there when I work out. They often wear outdated apparel like trousers and shoes. That’s okay. Perhaps they can’t afford to fork out on a trendy pair of trainers. Perhaps they’re hardcore and want to give themselves an extra-hard session. But you’ve got to wonder what’s going through their minds when they’re wearing a shirt, trousers shoes and suspenders. What goes through their mind when they turn up like that? Do they have lunch plans that have been cancelled so they’ve just decided to go as they are? They’re probably not going to work out that hard, but it’s going to be really embarrassing for them if they do work up a sweat. They don’t always clean the machines after them either. I hope they have a good deodorant.  

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