Friday 27 March 2020

Construction Zone

The best part of Lego is playing with it, and after looking at the display models it was finally time to build something, and the build room was just that. We sat on the edge of a massive pit of Lego Friends parts and started to put blocks together. At one point we managed to get seats on a bench and started to follow a challenge card to build rooms for a house. In the centre of the room wad a ten-foot clock made of Lego built to the design of the University’s clock tower, and every fifteen minutes the clock-face opened to reveal a dragon inside. It was then that the kids noticed the Lego city soft play area; compete with slides, hideaways and a ball pit inside. We let them loose while I went to get some refreshments in the Costa cafĂ©. Once they were ready to come out, I had to collect them at the entrance; then we prepared for our next build.

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