Sunday 22 March 2020

Fit and Fearless

Three birds with northern accents attempt to give the rest of the world some fitness tips. At least, that was what I thought the purpose was. It all seems to be inside gossip with no personal tips but rather what three fit birds have been up to in their careers and how other women can develop similar careers. There’s no real intro as to what the show is about before you’re plugged in, and it all seems to be feministic.  There’s also no real sense of how to be fearless. It’s not a great source of inspiration, especially when the first guest mentions smoking as a way of coping with their exercise routine. But there’s no advice about diets or routines or even definitions about the abbreviations used, and the trends are only revealed at the end. That said, they’re very supportive of people who are participating in workouts that aren’t traditionally fitness people. Ultimately, it offers good encouragement to keep up your routine and not to expect instant results.

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