Sunday 15 March 2020

Bricked Up

I presume that they’ve obviously thought of a way to stop a giant giraffe made of Lego from going missing. After all, it is on a street in Birmingham. It’s mounted on a podium and all the bricks are still there, so I imagine that they’ve glued them onto some sort of internal leg structure. That defeats the purpose though; it’d be nice to think that it was just stand-alone Lego. But what’s the alternative? Does he somehow fold in on himself and the staff leave him in the reception area overnight? After all, he is outside an arena. Things could get quite lively at night when a show has finished. Surely there’d be a risk of someone trying to climb or mount him? Or is it built from scratch each day? Perhaps they’ll be a different animal outside tomorrow. I’ll have to pop back later in the evening to see if I can suss these logistics out.

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