Monday 2 March 2020

Saucy Shopping #devilsdaughter 11

They entered the mall and soon attracted a gathering of onlookers. As Luke noticed the heads starting to turn and people stopping in their tracks; he wasn’t sure whether he should soak it up like Lucinda or be a bit modest. He quickly guided her into a large department store where they could be hidden by the many signs and displays. It wasn’t long before the sales assistants found them. 
‘I need a new suit, ideally in red’ said Lucinda. 
‘Right this way madam’ said a man in an English accent. ‘Do you know what size?’
‘I’ve put on a few pounds. I’ll probably need to be measured first.’
‘Please do allow me to show you upstairs to one of our personal tailors.’
‘That would be wonderful.’ The assistant invited them to board a series of elevators, taking them up to the fifth floor and showed them into a large room with a huge window overlooking the street while all the other walls were lined with mirrors. In the centre was a podium and next to this was a small table that held two glasses of champagne.
‘Floretta will be with you in a moment’ said the salesman.
‘Thank you’ said Lucinda. ‘How absolutely spiffing’ she added once the door had closed.

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