Friday 6 March 2020

A Christmas Carol (2019)

This was a dark and gloomy tale, with a bit of suspense to make you keep watching. Scrooge was played well and I loved the fact that he tried to justify himself at every opportunity. I also thought that the idea of someone travelling from Wales to London to piss on his grave every year was brilliant. The extra storylines and the extra interaction with Marley made it even more interesting. I loved the special effects in the final episode where Scrooge sits underneath the ice; though his attempt to stop Tiny Tim from going on the ice is quite lame and could even have done more harm than good. I also think it’s a shame that Scrooge did nothing for the miners on his repentance. Perhaps a memorial statue would have sufficed or a donation to the parish. And I was always waiting for someone to go boo. But I loved the closing line.

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