Saturday 7 March 2020

Wildmoor Oak Cider and Beer Festival

Country pubs aren’t the easiest to get to. You’ve got to time the buses right to get there during the day or face a lengthy walk. And if the pub’s got an event on, you need to sort out transport back too. But this pub is well worth visiting for the quality of its Caribbean menu. It’s a bit on the pricey side but the dishes are worth it. There’s also a good selection of cider and some real ales too. The pub’s split into a bar and a restaurant with a circular bar separating the two. The landlord has got some strange customs of late. There’s been some constant arguments behind the scenes between the staff; which a lot of people have picked up on. He lost a lot of customers by directly messaging everyone to tell them that they should attend his festival, and I think that he lost a lot of custom from that. So tread carefully if you go, as the locals may still bite.

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