Thursday 26 March 2020

Do managers care when a good employee resigns?

There’s been some sensible answers from a business side towards the question; but not so many from an employee’s perspective. Are you wondering what life would be in the workplace after you’ve gone? If so, why do you want to leave? What will you miss? Perhaps the manager recognises and accepts your career goals and aspirations and has the foresight to realise that your prospects are better deployed in other opportunities. They may even be delighted to see you go and progress. They may miss you and ask to keep in touch; realising that there are better situations out there. Or is it something else that you’d like to change; maybe the attitude of the manager towards you? A good manager will try to find out the reason first unless they genuinely believe that you’re not a good employee. It’s more work for them to recruit and train a new employee. But if they really don’t care, then they’re not a very good manager.  

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