Wednesday 18 March 2020

Protect our businesses to survive the Pandemic

Everything’s closing. We’re being advised not to socialise. And that includes visiting the pub. While the government is urging people not to use certain businesses to try and contain the virus, they’re not actually asking the businesses themselves to close. And this is having a devastating effect on people’s livelihoods. Not only are we being asked to live a different way of life, we’re also reducing our disposable expenditure. So of course, the major spreading grounds of the virus will soon be our supermarkets since that’ll be the only place that most people will be able to head to. Beer will be the next thing that people will stock up on, and we won’t see a decent trade in pubs for a long time. If we don’t protect and support our way of life now, these businesses will struggle to get going after the pandemic. We need to support our local services more than ever. 

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