Wednesday 4 March 2020

Caught in the Community #dreamdiary 86

I’ve been temporarily working at a theme park. I’m in charge of a miniature train ride which runs on a figure of eight track. Today I’ve chosen to go to the gym instead, but I’m traveling on foot. I’m wondering whether I should have phoned up to let someone know so that my job will be safe tomorrow.  Because I’m on foot I’ve taken the footpath network, and as usual I’ve forgotten the most direct way. I stop outside a community centre at the end of a cul-de-sac to google the route. I notice that there’s a event happening. There’s some ruins on one side of the building, and through a hole in the wall I see people carrying sports gear getting changed. Then a woman appears and desperately needs me to attend her meeting to ensure the survival of the building. She says that the council have already demolished the old one and that they’ve got their eyes on the new one too.

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