Saturday 29 February 2020

Loud noise forces 80% of Customers to leave a Pub

And who could blame them? Most people use the pub as a meeting point, and if you can’t hear your friends speak or you’re not feeling comfortable, then it’s only natural to move on. The last thing you want to do is be involved in any kind of social disorder. Crowds of drunken young lads isn’t going to attract any other customers, and you’ll just be known as that sort of pub. Licensees need to take responsibility to create an atmosphere that everyone can enjoy. Of course, there are some exceptions to this, like a good band or some background muzak; but they really need to take charge when someone’s favourite song is put on the jukebox for the fifth time in a row. Pubs need to recognise that people want to relax during the day and unwind in the early evening. It’s at night that the party atmosphere should be cranked up, unless it’s a special occasion that’s worth celebrating with the locals. Hopefully the 80% haven’t all left the pub in one go.

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