Tuesday 4 February 2020

Expedition to the depths of the Library

After checking out the views of Birmingham, it was time for the highlight of the tour: the Shakespeare room. This was an oak-panelled room surrounded by shelves of antique editions of his works and a bust of the bard himself. In front of this was my favourite room; an indoor viewpoint of the city with an interactive map showing you fact and figures about what you’re looking at. Luckily, it was very quiet so we could stay as long as we wanted. There’s many sights here that I’ve yet to visit. On our descent, we popped into a photographic exhibition of some old sights of the city. After that, we cut through the cathedral grounds to catch a bus to our lunch spot. We got on all right but got off a stop early; owing partly to roadworks and partly due to me trying to remember where the stop was. At least we had the building in our sight. I didn’t want to miss it.

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