Monday 10 February 2020

Dippy the Dinosaur

We had a bit of time to kill during our visit to Birmingham so we decided to pop into the museum to see if we could meet Dippy. This was a famous skeleton of a Diplodocus that used to live in London’s Natural History Museum. They’ve now settled for a whale and Dippy is on tour while they’re deciding what to do with him. There was a bit of a gathering outside the exhibition hall but most people just seemed to be hanging around rather than queuing. As it was the first week of the school holidays they were doing timed entries and there was a chance that we wouldn’t get in, but we approached the desk and the receptionist invited us to join the queue through the doors. And there it was; the remains of a dinosaur was right in front of me. I had my photo taken and we looked at some of the smaller skeletons that were part of the exhibition, then we moved onto Mum’s destination of choice which was to have a browse around Marks and Spencer. 

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