Sunday 16 February 2020

Knife Rife

I don’t see the need to carry a dirty great big blade around. Surely a utility knife would suffice? It has lots of practical uses and folds away. A butcher’s knife would be acceptable; especially if you’re a travelling chef. But you’d take pride in your tools and have them in a concealed case or at the very least a pouch. Otherwise it would be questionable if someone was carrying it about with them. If it’s for a specific purpose there are plenty of other tools out there; like an axe for example, or a pair of shears. Theatrical knives shouldn’t be real anyway otherwise there’s a risk involved to the actors using them. But where are these survival knives coming from? If it’s ornamental then it should be in a display case. And military knives should only be used by the military. So why aren’t these knives being licensed? Why do these products exist? Why isn’t there a clampdown on the manufacturers?  There’s a lot of work to do out there. 

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