Friday 28 February 2020

Visa La Manchester

We needed a Chinese visa, and had to attend an interview at either the London or Manchester office. While the London office would be easier to get to, it would be a lot busier and more expensive. It turned out that it wasn’t the embassy that we were visiting but an office acting on their behalf. We set up the online application and booked our transport to the interview. We got to Manchester as planned which is a miracle in itself as we were on the motorway, then found the embassy and decided to go to a bit of a wander to kill some time. Rain suddenly arrived, and we took shelter in the Manchester Central Library. We explored some of the exhibitions. Some of them were historical and some were interactive maps telling us about the local area. The highlight for me was the central reading room upstairs. This was a great huge dome and the doors echoed across the whole chamber every time someone entered. Outside, there was a music library and someone was tinkering the ivories on the on-site piano. It was well worth a look.

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