Friday 21 February 2020

Insh Hall

I follow a lane hidden amongst the bushes wondering where the sat-nav is taking me while an embankment containing the main road is above me. I approach the lake and find myself at the base of the complex; though I’m on the wrong side. A quick journey around the bend takes me to the main accommodation entrance and I squeeze into a space in front of a log cabin having no idea if I’m OK parking there. A quick wander round tells me that no-one’s of site to check me in (which I was pre-warned about) but there’s a list on a screen detailing who is in each room. But my name’s not on the screen. I check my e-mails which does give me a room number but has a foreign name in place. I head to the room and fortunately the key’s in the other side of the door. The room is functional enough and there’s tea, coffee, biscuits and even a TV. The shower is an interesting design; it’s a pit built into the bathroom. I move my gear in then decide to check out the bar. They have cask ale but it’s a bit on the dear side but then again where else are you going to go? I did get a good night’s sleep and the breakfast was satisfactory. Then it was time to decide what to do.

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