Saturday 8 February 2020

Oakham Citra at the Bartons Arms Birmingham

This Victorian palace of a pub is a delight to visit. Its circular bar showcases a wide range of real ales alongside a variety of otherer drinks. Circular pews outline the pub’s outer wall for those who like to stretch their legs and there’s some tables in the middle for groups. There’s even tables outside for those who lie fresh air; though don’t expect an amazing view. Beyond the bar is a beautiful blue and white ornate staircase which leads upstairs to function and meeting rooms. Just past this is the Thai restaurant with an excellent two-course lunch menu and stained-glass windows. And if you get the opportunity to venture into the cellar it’s well worth a look; its depths are cavernous. The pub atmosphere isn’t great. Expect single pensioners reading the papers and moaning about the good old days. It might be livelier in the evening, but as it’s both a bus and a train journey away I’m usually on my way home by then.

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