Monday 24 February 2020

How I got my Driving Licence

One story that everyone likes to tell is their driving licence test. It takes a lot of cost and determination here. I took more lessons and didn’t commit to it for a while because I was studying away from home and only took lessons when I could afford them. As a result, I passed the written exam twice. I scored 100% the first time round but the examiners give you two years after passing this test to pass the practical; and it’s only with passes on both tests can you apply for a full licence. Mine expired because I never got up to test standard; and when I took it the second time they’d added a new element which were hazard perception videos. I still passed this test but didn’t get full marks. Then came test day. I was on the road with the examiner bricking it and we were on a busy dual carriageway. I was passing an entry ramp and couldn’t give way. I didn’t check any traffic behind me and as we passed the merging vehicle was forced to stop and honked at me. That was it; I knew I’d failed so I just relaxed with the realisation that I’d have to pass another day. We finished the circuit and returned to the test centre to be told that I’d passed with four minor errors. My instructor told me afterwards that he’d just put me in for the experience of it and he was amazed that I’d passed. He was gobsmacked. 

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