Saturday 1 February 2020

Second Date #nuclearmermaid 8

Lying on the floor in distress, she sensed that one of the creatures was still in the room. Emerging from behind the cover of a large, shiny tube was a biped in brown overalls. As she began to shiver in the cold air, the creature sensed that something was wrong. It disappeared for a moment between a space in the wall then returned with a large white object which he threw over the front of her chest. It felt soft and warm and her shivering had begun to subside. She wrapped each end behind her back then tied them together in a knot underneath her breasts, which strained slightly under the pressure. She smiled at the biped who returned it and beckoned her to follow him through a hole which he had created with a swipe of his arm. As she crawled through, she noticed a small machine with a large sack attached to four small circles at its base. The biped tilted the object and invited her to climb inside the sack.

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