Friday 14 February 2020

Dippy's Day Out

It’s time to get out there and explore; thrash the old tail around. I’m getting a bit stiff standing upright in the same place. It’s all very well being kept indoors all the time but sometimes it’s nice to see the sun again. But even that is hard to find. A lot of the stone has been flattened and shaped into squares. I’m either going to have to walk around it or see if I can topple it over; though it might take a while. There’s also these large round shiny things. They might be a bit easier to get through, though there are gaps between them, like a canyon. They go on forever. Where do they end? Luckily there’s still some trees around, though there’s not too many of them. I’d better munch on them delicately. Hopefully the leaves will grow back again. I wonder if there’s any more around.

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