Wednesday 29 January 2020

Woodcote Manor Half Cut at the Little Ale House, Bromsgrove

This micropub is tucked away on a side-street alongside a row of takeaways. It’s not the most glamorous place in town to put a pub, but then again it’s not the most glamorous of pubs. Its décor is simple yet functional. At the front are some traditional tables and a sofa for those who wish private conversations. Alongside the wall is a long raised pew with tables to match. Above this are various awards that the pub has won on a chipboard. The bar itself is a simple wooden counter with six casks directly behind it. It used to be nine but the top shelf is now dedicated to a gin bar. Three ales are usually available while three more settle; if you’re lucky you might see a fourth while you’re there. Beers tend to be from the Midlands area and are displayed on a chalk board alongside ciders and perry. There’s no electric fonts dispensing drinks here.

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